Drivers can login into Infinite Cab driver app by using their username and password. Driver must register into Infinite Cab through their backend server before using this app. Details will be verified at the time of registrations.
View call from passenger
When a passenger tries to book a trip, the nearest 8 driver’s will get the call alert along with passenger details, from-to locations. The driver can either accept or reject the call.

View passenger location
Driver app can show Passenger’s precise location on the map when a call comes. The driver can use the route map with navigation button.
Trip cancel
This option allows Both driver and passenger to cancel a trip. A driver cancels the trip for various reasons such as traffic congestion, Roadblock, car damage, or passenger is not found, etc. The passenger will get a notification of cancelled trip on his app when a driver cancels his trip.

Both passenger and driver can rate each other after every trip. Users can rate the driver and vice-versa in star rating and also, can add optional comments. The overall ratings can be viewed in the admin panel.
Driver adds amount to passenger e-wallet
Driver’s can add cash to passenger wallet. When a trip complete, the passenger’s are provided with an option to transfer some extra money to the driver wallet and driver also has the option to add some money to passenger’s wallet.

Future trips
The driver will get information about the future trips in navigation menu Item “Future Trips”. When a passenger booked a trip for future, the admin will verify and assign a driver. The assigned driver will get notified instantly. And He must click “start” button before the trip starts.
View profile
When a driver selects option “Profile”, he can see his registered details.

My trips
This menu shows a list of all rides completed by that driver. Each ride includes a details information on the date of the ride, time, Passenger Name, From-To locations and the fare.
Driver App provides an option to sign out of drivers account.